About Us

We are Ferdy (aged 9), Harriet (Mum - age too old to reveal) and Gil (aged 6).

Ferdy started school in September 2017 and Gil in September 2020, and Ferdy and Gil are home educated on Fridays (flexischooling is a combination of formal schooling and home educating). This does not mean an extra weekend day (Ferdy!), but that we will be doing days out, some reading, some writing, some maths and generally things relating to what both boys are learning at school.

We will be keeping a record of our progress (and our mistakes) on this blog. Any comments/ideas gratefully received!

Saturday, 3 October 2020

What's in the news today?

 In the olden days, when I was young and cool and hip and before I became a world weary mother, I worked in the newspaper industry. So when Ferdy asked if we could make a newspaper this Friday, I became a little (over) excited. The chance to be an editor again had arisen...

After school worship online, we were just in time for the 10:30 news meeting where news story ideas were proposed to the Editor. Our research consisted of reading a few daily papers and choosing our favourite stories, watching Newsround and finding out about how best to approach putting together our paper.

Chief reporter writes a list of all the important stories of the day

We decided we needed an exclusive story so contacted one of our sources about some tree felling happening nearby, and then out we went for some on the ground reporting.

Here's The Adventure Paper, all articles written and dictated by Ferdy and/or Gil and all pictures drawn and taken by Ferdy and Gil apart from the final illustration.

Our interview with retired local resident, Granddad, took place at 3pm so we only just made our 4pm press deadline. Ferdy and Gil found it hilarious that this was called 'putting the paper to bed'.

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