About Us

We are Ferdy (aged 9), Harriet (Mum - age too old to reveal) and Gil (aged 6).

Ferdy started school in September 2017 and Gil in September 2020, and Ferdy and Gil are home educated on Fridays (flexischooling is a combination of formal schooling and home educating). This does not mean an extra weekend day (Ferdy!), but that we will be doing days out, some reading, some writing, some maths and generally things relating to what both boys are learning at school.

We will be keeping a record of our progress (and our mistakes) on this blog. Any comments/ideas gratefully received!

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Fresh air & screen free Friday

It was fresh air and screen free Friday this week.

 This meant it was like a weekend day for us really, apart from no TV. Plus Billy was off work which was very exciting for the boys and also for me because this meant a trip to the woods without me so I could relax and not have to help with English and Maths.

Both boys enjoyed their day and even managed a bit of writing (screen free doesn't mean no work at all Mum said, meanly) although Ferdy lamented that it was a little bit complicating because now he couldn't remember which day was Saturday. Life can be hard for an eight year old...

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