About Us

We are Ferdy (aged 9), Harriet (Mum - age too old to reveal) and Gil (aged 6).

Ferdy started school in September 2017 and Gil in September 2020, and Ferdy and Gil are home educated on Fridays (flexischooling is a combination of formal schooling and home educating). This does not mean an extra weekend day (Ferdy!), but that we will be doing days out, some reading, some writing, some maths and generally things relating to what both boys are learning at school.

We will be keeping a record of our progress (and our mistakes) on this blog. Any comments/ideas gratefully received!

Saturday, 20 July 2019

After the rain

It may have been the last day of term this Friday, and it may have rained rather a lot, but that didn't stop us having a day packed with activities.

Granny was staying and, after attending Ferdy's school assembly, we headed out to Ilam.

This is how you cope with rain
There was a lot of moaning and complaining on the journey and although it was partially drowned out by our new book, How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel, it started up again when we arrived in a torrential downpour.

Rain doesn't deter us (me) though so we covered ourselves with rain clothes, ignored the moaning and off we went.

We climbed rocks:

We balanced on walls:

We played poohsticks:

We even got lost in the rainforest:

And when your hands are so cold so you can't feel them, there is a special Granny hand hold which means 'none of your hand skin goes near the cold or wet'.

Everything looked so green and beautiful, and, to quote Eeyore (because we played poohsticks), 'the nicest thing about the rain is that it stops. Eventually', which it did. 

And after the rain comes jumping in puddles, and brownies for lunch, and reading books to Gil in the cafe, and supper in the pub, and ice cream, and late nights and late mornings.

And the long, long summer holidays. Whoop whoop!

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